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Flemming Dupont is an illustrator, artist and graphic designer, studio based in Denmark and currently living in the countryside. He likes collecting vinyl records, books and vintage computers, listening to podcasts and watching exotic movies from around the world.

With more than 20 years of experience, working in close collaborative partnership with illustration in a number of different fields for clients, Flemming have a tried and tested way of doing illustrations, all the way from the initial concept to the final execution and finishing touches.

Whether you are a large or small company, Flemming can offer you exclusive and personal illustration solutions that suits your needs.

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Clients include:

Euroman, Gyldendal, Soundvenue, Ud&Se, Magasinet Udvikling, Magasinet 360°, Forbrugerrådet Tænk, Forbrugerrådet Tænk Penge, Fagbladet Børn&Unge, Design Matters, HK, Journalisten, Avisen Kommunen, Tandlægebladet, Penge & Privatøkonomi,Politiken, Rambøll, RGCD, Sygeplejesken, UCC Magasin, Ugebladet A4, Ugeskrift for Læger, Where2Go, Zetland

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